Orchids Corner Florist of Cookley


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28 Bridge Road, Kidderminster, DY10 3SA  (Show me directions)

01562 8...Landline    Landline   

  Monday to Friday: 08:30 to 18:00 , Saturday: 09:00 to 13:00 , Sunday: Closed



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When Orchids Corner becomes your Florist you will learn quickly that they are different and stands out .What Makes This Florist Different To The Rest ? Independent ,Local , Friendly , Flexible , Family Florist . This Bespoke unique florist who solves problems and not create them .This is truly a breath of fresh air . The team at Orchids Corner are a different type of florist . Unlike other florists in the area . 1) You are not limited to pictures to buy from . 2) Are not a production line florist . They really do create & have the flower knowledge . 3) Every flower arrangement is unique to your occasion , request & Budget . 4)Trained at the number 1 Top college for floristry .5) No Two arrangements / Bouquets are ever the same.

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